iSchool faculty are leading conversations in the information field across the globe. They publish, present, and contribute their expertise in myriad way throughout the year. See where our faculty have been active this Fall:

Jaime Banks

Journal Article (Published)

Kim, S. UG, Banks, J. (2024). Expanding Experiences and Anxieties: Gender- and Sexual-Identity Differences in Attitudes Toward Synthetic Pornography. Porn Studies.

Banks, J. (2024). Deletion, Departure, Death: Experiences of AI Companion Loss. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Banks, J., Bowman, N. D. (2024). Symbolism, Purpose, Identity, Relation, Emotion: Unpacking the SPIREs of Sense of Place across Digital and Physical Spaces. Poetics, 105, 101916.

Koban, K., Banks, J. (2024). It feels, therefore it is: Associations between mind perception and mind ascription in social robots. Computers in Human Behavior, 153, e10809.


Banks, J., Bowman, N. D., Ebel, C., Zhao, Q., “Barrens chat brings me back: Nostalgia and sense of place for World of Warcraft locales,” 10th European Communication Conference, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (September 4, 2024 – September 7, 2024).

Gunkel, D. J., Banks, J., Sandry, E., “Bluesky session: Communicative AI and human rights: Opportunities and challenges for the 21st Century,” Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (June 2024).

Schwarz, C., Nowak, K., Banks, J., “Do these wheels make my robot look real? Anthropomorphism and realism increase credibility and empathy,” Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (June 2024).

Banks, J., “Negotiating the “real” with artificially intelligent companions,” Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (June 2024).

Banks, J., “The acceptability of depictions of human processes by generative AI,” Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (June 2024).

Banks, J., “The deleted and the dead: Dimensions of AI companion loss,” Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia. (June 2024).

Banks, J., “Seeing Mind in Machines – Why it Matters for Communicatio,” Global Communication and Innovation Technologies (Master’s program speaker series), National Chengchi University, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 20, 2024).

Banks, J., Bowman, N. D., “Cyberspace from the Chalkboard: Teaching Advanced Technologies through Old-School Techniques,” Department of Communication, University at Buffalo. (May 3, 2024).

Banks, J., “Interpersonal Meets Artificial: Seeing Someone in the Machine,” Department of Communication Brown Bag, University at Buffalo. (May 3, 2024).

Banks, J., “(A)moral Constructions of the Cyberpunk Media Genre,” Moral Media 2024, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 6, 2024).

Banks, J., “AI Sycophancy as (Im)Moral Behavior,” Moral Media 2024, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. (April 6, 2024).


“Anthropomorphic Language Effects on Human Judgments of AI Moral Violations,” US Army Research Office/US Army Research Office. Banks, J. (PD/PI), Bowman, N. D. (Senior/Key Personnel), Stromer-Galley, J. (Senior/Key Personnel).

Carlos Caicedo Bastidas

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Lehr, W., Kadota, I., Berry, R., Caicedo Bastidas, C. E., Mu, K. G, Xie, Z. G, Tarmin, I. UG (2024). Automating Spectrum Sharing from the Ground Up. 52nd Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy (TPRC). Washington D.C.:.


“Collaborative Research: NewSpectrum: Track 1: Distributed Data-Driven Spectrum Management Architecture for the Next Era of Wireless,” National Science Foundation/National Science Foundation. Caicedo Bastidas, C. E. (PD/PI).

Renate Chancellor

Journal Article (Accepted/In Press)

Chancellor, R. L. (2024). Work Should Not Be Killing Us: Understanding The Racial Battle Fatigue Minefield of Black Women Faculty. Education for Information.

Journal Review (Accepted/In Press)

Chancellor, R. L. (2024). La Visionnaire: An Intellectual Biography of Mary Niles Maack. Library Trends, 72(3), 387-397.


“Investigating Social Work in Public Libraries,” American Library Association/American Library Association. Chancellor, R. L. (PD/PI).

EunJeong Cheon

Book Chapter (Accepted/In Press)

Cheon, E. (2024). Designing (interactions with) robots: Methods and Perspectives. CRC Press.



Cheon, E., “”Workers-Robot Relationships. Exploring Transdisciplinarity for the Future of Work with Robots”,” ACM Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’24). (March 11, 2024).

Rachel Ivy Clarke


“Visual Story of NYS Artists: Data Visualized through Textiles Advocating Art Policy,” Tides Foundation/Tides Foundation. Clarke, R. I. (Co-PD/PI), Hemsley, J. (PD/PI).

Kevin Crowston

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Wang, S. G, Menon, S. UG, Long, T. G, Henderson, K., Li, D. G, Crowston, K. G., Hansen, M., Nickerson, J. V., Chilton, L. B. (2024). ReelFramer: Human-AI Co-Creation for News-to-Video Translation. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Honolulu, Hawai’i:.

Bullard, J., Crowston, K. G., Jackson, C. B., Smith, A. O. G, Oesterlund, C. (2024). Folksonomies in crowdsourcing platforms: Three tensions associated with the development of shared language in distributed groups. European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW).

Journal Article (Published)

Öcal, A. G, Crowston, K. G. (2024). Framing and feelings on social media: The futures of work and intelligent machines. Information, Technology & People.

Zevin, M., Jackson, C. B., Doctor, Z. PD, Wu, Y. G, Oesterlund, C., Johnson, L. C., Berry, C. P. L., Crowston, K. G., Coughlin, S. B., Kalogera, V., Banagiri, S. PD, Davis, D. PD, Glanzer, J. G, Hao, R. G, Katsaggelos, A. K., Patane, O. UG, Sanchez, J. G, Smith, J., Soni, S., Trouille, L., Walker, M., Aerith, I., Domainko, W., Baranowski, V.-G., Niklasch, G., Téglás, B. (2024). Gravity Spy: Lessons Learned and a Path Forward. European Physical Journal Plus, 139, Article 100.

Crowston, K. G., Henderson, K., Lua, K. L. G, Raheja, R. (2024). Implications for hybrid newswork from the activities of local US television journalists during COVID. Journalism Practice.

Workshop Presentation (Published)

Oesterlund, C., Crowston, K. G. *, Jackson, C. B., Takou-Ayaoh, M. UG, Wu, Y. G, Katsaggelos, A. K. (2024). Mutual learning in human-AI interaction. Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference. Honolulu, HI:.

Sevgi Erdogan

Journal Article (Accepted/In Press)

(2024). Quantifying the Impact of Complete Streets: An Elasticity-based Approach to Mode Share Shifts in Travel Demand Models..


“Micromobility and Traffic Safety,” Iowa State University/AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Erdogan, S. (PD/PI).

Jeff Hemsley


“Visual Story of NYS Artists: Data Visualized through Textiles Advocating Art Policy,” Tides Foundation/Tides Foundation. Clarke, R. I. (Co-PD/PI), Hemsley, J. (PD/PI).

Joshua Introne

Journal Article (Published)

Introne, J. E., McKernan, B., Corsbie-Massay, C. L., Rohlinger, D., Tripodi, F. B. (2024). Healthier information ecosystems: A definition and agenda. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 75(10), 1025–1040. 10.1002/asi.24949


Joh, U. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Presenter), “A Psychological Model of Narrative Diffusion,” International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), IC2S2, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (July 18, 2024).

Kim, Y. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Presenter), “Cross-Cultural Belief Dynamics: A Case Study of K-pop Fans and the BLM Movement,” International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), IC2S2, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (July 18, 2024).

Sun, Q. (Presenter), Introne, J. E. (Author), “Empirical Validation of a Model of Narrative Diffusion,” International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), IC2S2, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (July 18, 2024).

Covington, J. (Presenter), Introne, J. E. (Author), “Social Interaction and Collective Intelligence at Variying Degrees of Task Complexity,” International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), IC2S2, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (July 18, 2024).

Li, J. (Presenter), Introne, J. E. (Author), “Towards a Predictive Model of Individual Belief Dynamics,” International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), IC2S2, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (July 18, 2024).

Covington, J. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Author), “A Simulation for Examining the Role of Social Bias in Collective Intelligence,” ACM Conference on Collective Intelligence, ACM, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States. (June 26, 2024).

Motarjemi, K. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Author), “Instability in a Cultural Model of Belief Dynamics,” ACM Conference on Collective Intelligence, ACM, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States. (June 26, 2024).

Sun, Q. (Author), Joh, U. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Presenter), “Modeling the Diffusion of Real Narratives,” ACM Conference on Collective Intelligence, ACM, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States. (June 26, 2024).

Li, J. (Author), Introne, J. E. (Presenter), “Using the Belief Landscape Model to Predict Individual Belief Dynamics,” ACM Conference on Collective Intelligence, ACM, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States. (June 26, 2024).

Yiqi Li

Journal Article (Published)

Sun, J., Shin, J., Li, Y., Qu, Y., Zhen, L., Kim, H. M., Yang, A., Liu, W., Saffer, A. (2024). Communicating CSR relationships in COVID-19: The evolution of cross-sector communication networks on social media. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility.

Carsten Oesterlund

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Bullard, J., Crowston, K. G., Jackson, C. B., Smith, A. O. G, Oesterlund, C. (2024). Folksonomies in crowdsourcing platforms: Three tensions associated with the development of shared language in distributed groups. European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW).

Zevin, M., Jackson, C. B., Doctor, Z. PD, Wu, Y. G, Oesterlund, C., Johnson, L. C., Berry, C. P. L., Crowston, K. G., Coughlin, S. B., Kalogera, V., Banagiri, S. PD, Davis, D. PD, Glanzer, J. G, Hao, R. G, Katsaggelos, A. K., Patane, O. UG, Sanchez, J. G, Smith, J., Soni, S., Trouille, L., Walker, M., Aerith, I., Domainko, W., Baranowski, V.-G., Niklasch, G., Téglás, B. (2024). Gravity Spy: Lessons Learned and a Path Forward. European Physical Journal Plus, 139, Article 100.

Journal Article (Accepted/In Press)

Østerlund, C. *, Crowston, K. G., Jackson, C., Smith, A. O. G (2024). Supporting and augmenting human and machine learning in citizen science: Lessons from Gravity Spy. Citizen Science: Theory And Practice (CSTP).

Workshop Presentation (Published)

Oesterlund, C., Crowston, K. G. *, Jackson, C. B., Takou-Ayaoh, M. UG, Wu, Y. G, Katsaggelos, A. K. (2024). Mutual learning in human-AI interaction. Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference. Honolulu, HI:.

Joon Park

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Simmons, T. UG, Park, J. S. (2024). Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities with Generative AI. Advanced Education for Cyber Security Track, the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security.

Magazine/Trade Publication (Published)

(2024). 1st Amendment Only The Start Of Woes Facing TikTok Ban, Law360.

Conference Proceeding (Accepted/In Press)

Bappy, F. * G, Islam, M. T., Park, J. S. (2025). ChainGuard: A Blockchain-based Authentication and Access Control Scheme for Distributed Networks [Poster]. The IEEE 22nd Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC).

Bappy, F. * G, Islam, M. T., Hasan, K., Park, J. S., Caicedo Bastidas, C. E. (2024). Impact of Conflicting Transactions in Blockchain: Detecting and Mitigating Potential Attacks. Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE Globecom).

Beth Patin

Book Chapter (Published)

Patin, B. J.H. (2024). “When They Go Low”: Preparing Information Professionals for Threats of Violence in Library Workplaces. “Reading” Workplace Dynamics: A Renewed Professional Ethos in Public Librarianship. Emerald.

Journal Article (Published)

Smith, M. G, Patin, B. J.H. (2024). Giving Voice through Reparative Storytelling: Correcting Racist Epistemic Injustices in LIS. Library Quarterly, 94(4), 441-457.

Conference Proceeding (Accepted/In Press)

Youngman, T. D. * G, Patin, B. J.H. (2024). Fallacy as Foundation of Post-Truth Knowledge and Knowing in LIS. Proceedings of the Association of Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference. Portland, OR:.

Journal Article (Accepted/In Press)

Patin, B. J.H. *, Youngman, T. G, Hauser, E. (2024). Toward an Etiology of Harm for Knowledge Organization: Onto-Epistemic Injustice in Classificatory Systems of Record. Knowledge Organization.


Patin, B. J.H. (SIG Chair), Youngman, T. D. (Moderator), Ely, E. (Presenter), Hawamdeh, S. (Presenter), “No Evolution Without Revolution: Historical Revelations for LIS Education,” Proceedings of the ALISE Annual Conference, Historical SIG: Association of Library and Information Science Education, Portland, OR. (October 14, 2024 – October 17, 2024).

Jian Qin

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Qin, J., Liu, Q. G (2024). Organizing knowledge through revealing data in knowledgebases. Knowledge Organization for Resilience in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference for Knowledge Organization Conference, 2024, Wuhan, China (vol. 20, pp. 393-400). Baden-Baden: Ergon.

Steven Sawyer

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Dunn, M., O’Neill, C. UG, Salman, H. UG, Munoz, I., Kim, P. G, Sawyer, S. B. (2024). The Emergence of Transactional Careers: The Evolution of Professional Work in the Platform Economy. Academy of Management, Careers Division Community Conference 2024. Amsterdam: Academy of Management.

Carl Schramm

Journal Article (Published)

Schramm, C. J. (2024). Joe Biden’s non-defense policy. The Spectator.

Schramm, C. J. (2024). Credentialing, Not Correcting. City Journal.

Jeffrey Stanton

Book (Accepted/In Press)

Saltz, J. S., Stanton, J. M. (2024). An Introduction to Data Science with Python (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.

Ping Zhang

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Tang, J., Jeong, E., Zhang, P. (2024). Goal Structuration for Gamification Design in Learning (GSGDL): A Theory-driven Framework. Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (vol. 9). Association of Information Systems.