A new graduate-level merit awards program is planned by the School of Information Studies to reinforce the vision, culture, and core values of the iSchool and promote how those same characteristics contribute to success for graduates in information careers.

Students are eligible for the new iSchool Values Awards in their first year of master’s study and the awards can be renewable for a second year, according to Susan Corieri, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management and Special Academic Initiatives. The awards are currently valued at several thousands of dollars annually.

Eligible for the awards are applicants to the iSchool’s on-campus M.S. in Applied Data Science, M.S. in Enterprise Data Systems, M.S. in Information Management and M.S. in Information Management for Executives and M.S. in Library and Information Science programs. The award program begins this year.  

The awards are designed to recognize and reinforce the core values that drive the school’s academic programs and its cultural environment, as reflected by students who exhibit those characteristics, according to Corieri. The same values translate after students graduate when they begin their careers in information professions, where those attributes are also integral to professionalism and integrity in the workplace and success overall in a career, she adds.  

“These new iSchool Values Awards recognize respected characteristics of admitted students. Beyond the high quality and aptitude that applicants reflect through their previous academic studies, test scores, and experience, the iSchool seeks to attract students who serve as ambassadors of our school’s Vision and Values,” Corieri says. “The iSchool is a globally recognized leader in advancing knowledge and developing creative, thoughtful, and technically capable leaders in the information field. To make strides in accomplishing our vision, we must populate our school with students who possess the values we deem significant,” she explains.

The awards are designed to recognize applicants who exemplify the following values:

  • Excellence: As a student-centered institution committed to learning and intellectual diversity, and as a community of scholars and practitioners, we pursue research and teaching excellence through the development, integration, and application of knowledge.
  • Discovery and Innovation: We value discovery and innovation to advance the information fields. We identify new opportunities, respond creatively to emerging issues, and lead our fields through partnerships and learning communities.
  • Integrity: As information professionals, we uphold intellectual honesty and responsibility. We carefully consider the implications of our actions, taking fairness and equity into consideration. We contribute to, and promote, the highest standards for the ethical use of information and technology.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We strive for diversity in our community and celebrate difference. We embrace a multiplicity of voices to address social and technical challenges through interdisciplinary analysis and solutions.
  • Global Citizenship and Engagement: We enable our iSchool community to participate actively as global citizens working to advance the common good. We have a responsibility to inform and improve society, and to influence policy through pedagogy, research, and advocacy.

For More Information

Applications are open and can be found on the iSchool’s Merit-Based Awards page.

More information is available about the iSchool’s distinctive academic offerings, the iSchool inclusive culture, and its vision and values.

For information about the iSchool’s master’s-degree programs in Information Management, Information Management for Executives, Applied Data Science, Enterprise Data Systems, and Library and Information Science visit the Academics page.

For admission requirements, see information on the iSchool Admissions page.

Additional details about need-based, merit, and university financial aid for iSchool courses of study is available on the iSchool’s Tuition & Aid page.

To connect with graduate admissions personnel, write to iGrad@syr.edu.

Featured image: iSchool graduate students at their convocation ceremony. Photo by J.D. Ross.