By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

Interim Dean Jeffrey Stanton presided over the 119th convocation of the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University Saturday, and his enthusiastic greeting to a full house at the Goldstein Student Center generated a round of rousing applause. He welcomed the “parents, siblings, families, girlfriends, and boyfriends” present, as well as “those most importantly among the audience…our elite, dazing, crazy, crystal-gazing, curtain-raising, and blazing group of graduating students.”

Stanton noted that the iSchool, as it’s nicknamed, is “the original information school…and that for more than a century, the School has not only “led the way in the use of information from users’ perspectives” but has been recognized “as the place on the Syracuse University campus to experience the fast-moving field of information.” Since the School was renamed in the 1970s under late Dean Robert Taylor, Stanton said, “we have led the way in the exploration of the use of information from users’ perspectives, through a staff and faculty who dedicate their days to managing information, creating innovative information services, understanding international regulation of information and overseeing the technology that makes our information-rich society possible.”

600+ Degrees, Certificates

More than 600 undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates of advanced study were awarded at this year’s ceremony.

Again this year, the group represented one of the largest of recent classes at the School. The Class of 2015 presented the following picture.

Undergraduate degrees presented:

Graduate-level degrees and certificates presented:

The number of graduates receiving Certificates of Advanced Study include:

  • 101 who earned the CAS in Data Science
  • 22 who were awarded the CAS in Information Security Management
  • 10 who earned a CAS in Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • 4 receiving a CAS in Global Enterprise Technology
  • 3 who earned a CAS in Digital Libraries
  • 1 who received a CAS in Information Innovation/Social Media
  • 1 who received a CAS in Information Systems and Telecommunications Management
  • 1 student who earned a CAS in School Media

Seven members of the class of 2015 were awarded doctoral degrees. Of that number, four students earned Doctorate of Philosophy in Information Science and Technology degrees, while three other graduates earned Doctorate of Professional Studies degrees in Information Management.