
My Top Five Favorite Features of CSS3

CSS3 has a lot of new features that simply take web site styling to the next level.

My Top Five Favorite Features of CSS32020-07-21T19:39:25-04:00

End-User License Agreements: From the Absurd to the Unfair by Kyle Elliot

We all install software on our systems everyday and we all know the motions. Run the installer, click next repeatedly, say you agree to the End User License Agreement, click next a few more times, and finally the glorious finish button appears. At that point we may go on our merry way enjoying the application we just installed. Has you ever read through one of the EULAs? I have read through a few and have found some very bizarre conditions listed that we agree to without really knowing it.

End-User License Agreements: From the Absurd to the Unfair by Kyle Elliot2020-07-06T17:59:54-04:00

61 Tech Geek Jobs for LIS Grads by Mia Breitkopf

For your perusing pleasure, I offer you 61 tech geek jobs for MLIS grads. Not every job in the list requires an MLIS degree, but every one could be rocked by the right librarian. Some of them require the ability to travel, or teaching experience, or a second master's degree. Some require specific experience in business, law, marketing, digitization, or archives. Some are full-time tenure-track university positions, and others are part-time or short-term projects.

61 Tech Geek Jobs for LIS Grads by Mia Breitkopf2021-06-01T13:21:59-04:00

14 Online Resources to Learn iOS Development by Isaac Budmen

Mobile development, specifically iOS development or development for the iPhone and iPad, is becoming an increasingly in demand skill. Last year Apple sold a record number of iPhones, and sold out of the iPhone 4S pre-orders before it even hit the market. Therefore, it's not surprising that we are seeing solicitations from a variety of sources, like family-owned convenience stores and local newspapers, looking for Objective C programming talent to develop their very own iPhone app.

14 Online Resources to Learn iOS Development by Isaac Budmen2020-07-06T17:59:47-04:00

Boeing Takes Technology To New Heights With Dreamliner by John Burke

Air travel has become such a norm for us that we often fail to appreciate how much technology really goes into making it happen. Sure, recent news has been quick to highlight what kind of gadgets are making their way into the cockpit and in-flight wireless is becoming pretty standard. What is often overlooked is the technology required to make those aircraft fly in the first place.

Boeing Takes Technology To New Heights With Dreamliner by John Burke2020-07-10T20:49:51-04:00
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