Dear iSchool Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Friends:

Syracuse University is experiencing multiple incidents of racism, vandalism, and hate speech on and near our campus, specifically targeting Black, Asian, and Jewish communities. The academic and administrative leadership of this school, together with faculty and staff members and students, are united in a shared sense of disgust, disappointment, and anger regarding these actions and comments. We fully condemn these words and acts and vow that our community will not tolerate such behavior.   

We all want each and every student to feel fully included in our community and excited to be here. We are committed to listening to our students and to working with all parties to ensure that Syracuse University is the diverse, vibrant, welcoming community we aspire to be. We stand solidly with student demands to ensure that kind of community exists here, and vow to commit to necessary planning and actions to make sure that it happens.

Updates from Syracuse University

Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud has vigorously involved the University’s Department of Public Safety, Syracuse and New York State police, and is taking decisive action to be sure the culprits are found and that they face the fullest extent of the law. He is addressing student demands for more action to eradicate racism on campus. His comments, and updates to actions being taken by the University and police agencies, are posted on The Syracuse University News website ( and are regularly updated.

Updated 11/19/19 at 2:30 p.m.: There will be a Community Forum—Safety and Student Concerns on Wednesday, Nov. 20, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The forum will be held in Goldstein Auditorium at the Schine Student Center.

iSchool Classes and Resources

Last Updated 11/20/19 at 12:50 p.m.

Although the iSchool is continuing to operate as normally scheduled, we are committed to making provisions and accommodations to assure that you still have access to your education and can complete your course work and assignments while feeling safe. Your safety and wellbeing is certainly our utmost concern.

Regarding classes and class schedules:  

  • While faculty are conducting on-campus classes as usual, they are able to, and are being provided with resources, to conduct classes virtually for those who do not wish to come to campus for class at this time.
  • Faculty members are able to provide access to classes via Microsoft Teams and Blackboard Collaborate to broadcast their classes.
  • We have encouraged faculty to reach out to students in their classes with additional information. If you have not heard from your faculty members regarding their plans for conducting class, or for how you can access classes through the online platforms, please get in touch with them directly via email.

In addition to providing you with access to your courses, we also want to make sure you know about the iSchool resources that are available to you.

You can reach iSchool Student Services (114 Hinds Hall) as follows:  

  • Tiffany Schultz, Student Success Counselor, is at 315-443-4265
  • Student Services Staff at 315-443-6137
  • Individual student advisors are listed at these office phone numbers.

iSchool online students can reach their Student Success Advisor and/or Graduate Academic Advisor by email or phone:

  • Jelena Mlikota, Graduate Academic Advisor Online, 315-443-5609
  • Student Success Advisors can be reached at 844-797-4478 for IM and LIS, or 855-488-7413 for Data Science

Safety Information

Syracuse University’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) has also issued information about resources available for those traveling on campus:

  • The DPS phone number is 315-443-2224
  • A DPS safety escort is available at 315-443-SAFE
  • The LiveSafe App is available for your smartphone. This mobile app acts as a mobile emergency blue light, allowing you to contact DPS quickly
  • And DPS has issued a list of safety strategies to consider.

Please get in touch with any of the leadership of the iSchool or reach out to any faculty, administrators, or staff if you have concerns.



David Seaman, PhD
Interim Dean, School of Information Studies
Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, Syracuse University Libraries