Two iSchool seniors have been recognized as 2020 Syracuse University Scholars, the highest undergraduate honor the University bestows. Adam Bayer and Tyler Youngman are among the twelve academically outstanding SU seniors to be selected for this honor.

Bayer is an information management and technology major and a philosophy major in the College of Arts and Science, while Youngman is an information management and technology major and a music history and culture major also in the College of Arts and Sciences. Both Youngman and Bayer are members of the university’s Renee Crown Honors program.

Bayer is graduating a year early from Syracuse and is currently a teaching assistant for Professor Bryan Semaan’s Data in Society class. Bayer also works at SIDEARM Sports, a streaming and web development company run by iSchool professor Jeff Rubin. He serves as president of the iSchool’s Senior Planning Committee.

Following the completion of his undergraduate degree, Youngman will begin a master’s degree in library and information science at the iSchool. Youngman currently works at the NEXIS technology lab in the iSchool and at Syracuse University Libraries. He also serves as a member of the university-wide academic integrity panel.

Both Bayer and Youngman were named as Syracuse University Remembrance Scholars for the 2019-2020 school year, and both serve as peer advisors at the iSchool.