MISSION OBJECTIVE: To take over the ICE Box with Information Technology, Design, and Startups (IDS) content. To make people look up. To bestow awe and wonder.

ICE Box Takeover

ICE Box Takeover

Taking Over

On Thursday night, Sarah and I took to the ICE Box for some hardcore shenanigans. Our objective was clear, and fueled by late night delirium we decked out the space with posters, illustrations, and other fun visuals to get excited about what the iSchool has to offer.

We also set up this rad informational video to project on one on the walls on an infinite loop. Make sure you check it out!

Erin shows off the video wall

Erin shows off the video wall


The Writing on the Wall

Little do people know that the majority of the ICE Box is covered in whiteboard paint, which you can write on with dry erase marker. Sarah and I covered as much surface area as we could to show people that they use the space to its full potential, and we also encouraged students to write down their ideas on the IDEAS wall to get them to participate!

What is IDS?

What is IDS? An abbreviation for “Information Technology, Design, and Startups”

Why an IDS Takeover?

Then entire point of the IDS minor and the ICE Box space is to deploy and share your ideas. We wanted to make that apparent in our super extra ICE Box Takeover.

I’d say it was a MISSION: