The first week at Commvault was awesome. The facility here in New Jersey is incredible. They have a full gym, cafeteria, game rooms, baseball field, cricket pitch, basketball court, quiet rooms, and other great meeting rooms. It’s clear from the start that Commvault cares about its employees and their happiness.

Internship Life at Commvault

Orientation took up the first day as we went over company policies, the social media policy, what Commvault does, and what to expect for the summer. My department is filled with friendly and talented people and the work so far has been fun and challenging.

There are many different teams within my department such as the networking, security, technology support, systems support, Windows team, UNIX, and communications team. My manager plans to have multiple cross-team projects that will have us working on various sections within the IT department.

I believe there will opportunities to grow and learn when working with these new team members as it will broaden my knowledge on topics like security and Windows administration.

Summer Goals

By the end of my internship, I hope to gain as much knowledge as possible and become a more well-rounded employee. I have been networking with people around the company and have been meeting a lot of great people. Also, a full-time offer would be nice.

For the summer, I absolutely have a bucket list outside my internship. The majority of my time will be spent at work, but once I get home I try to get to the beach with my dog every day to play. She is total beach pup. Other than that, I have a few concerts to go to and some trails to hike.

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Bringing iSchool Experience to Commvault

One of my first tasks here at Commvault was to image and build-out laptops for new hires. This included putting the necessary software on each machine in order for the new hires to start with everything they needed. Commvault has their own software for their employees to backup their data and protects it. Learning the ins-and-outs of the Commvault Process Manager was interesting and I am happy I learned a unique and helpful software.

Another task I had was to update some of the current machines we have here in the office. Most of these machines were running Windows Server2012.  Due to working in ITELL at the iSchool, I have plenty of Server2012 experience so it was a big help.

The iSchool curriculum for my undergraduate degree is diverse and touches upon different areas of information technology. I feel confident that I can handle just about anything thrown at me. That confidence in my abilities has made the first week at Commvault a great experience so far.  We will see what next week throws at me.