The School of Information Studies (iSchool) is pleased to announce the launch of a new experiential learning program, Startup Dublin – a week-long travel program in Dublin, Ireland.

Startup Dublin is a sister program to the iSchool’s well-known Spring Break in Silicon ValleyEntreTech NYC, and Peak 2 Peak immersion programs.

Startup Dublin will give students access to connect with technology companies, entrepreneurs, and venture capitalists in Ireland. They will get to meet a unique network of people and hear about their way of life (both personal and professional). Participating students will also connect with Syracuse University alumni living and working in Dublin.

According to Tech Life Ireland , there are currently 80,000 people working in tech nationwide, and a further 8,000 IT jobs in Ireland are forecast to open each year. Potential site visits include Google, Amazon, Paypal, EA, and Dropbox

This program is open to Syracuse University students from all majors, all schools and colleges, and all degree programs.

“This is a week-long travel program where students study technology and interact with innovative firms and alumni to understand how their best practices may be applied elsewhere,” explained Julie Walas, director of student and alumni engagement at the iSchool. “Our Startup Dublin cohort will travel to an innovative ecosystem and spend 7 days meeting with information-based organization, and their daily visits will provide them with a well-rounded vision of the innovative ecosystem and its cultural context.”

Students will be required to study Dublin’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and its companies prior to the trip, record their observations during the trip, and will provide a reflection piece upon their return. The program is a 3-credit experience, and students will enroll in IDS 460: Immersion Experience.

“This course involves travel and significant dedication, as students will be required to travel to to Dublin and will be actively participating in activities from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. for the entirety of the trip,” said Walas. “In addition to the 100 contact hours during the trip itself, there will be three pre-meetings, several writing assignments, and a final presentation required.”

Applications for Startup Dublin are now open. The application process is combined with the iSchool’s Peak 2 Peak trip to Seattle and Portland, and students may apply for one or both trips using the online application. The week-long Dublin program takes place over the November Thanksgiving Break each year. For Startup Dublin 2018, students will be traveling Friday, November 16, 2018 through Sunday, November 25, 2018.

Startup Dublin is a competitive program with limited space. To be considered for admission, students should have, at the time of application, a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale. In addition to GPA, there is a strong emphasis on the Experiential Learning statement, to be submitted as part of this application. Students are also asked to submit a short video describing what they envision as the ideal company or organization to visit on this trip. These details are all contained in the application.

Admissions decisions are based on a full review of the application file, including the transcript, resume, the Experiential Learning statement, short video, and any disciplinary records. Once admitted to the program, students must remain in good standing (academic and judicial) to stay eligible to participate in this program.