Highlights of the past year’s operations, growth of students and programs over the last several years and data regarding the 2018-2019 entering class were presented to doctoral students, staff and faculty of the School of Information Studies (iSchool) at its annual fall convocation last week.

Dean Elizabeth Liddy offered the following information about the iSchool’s operations and its ongoing record of growth and achievement.

New Programs

New programs being offered this year include:

  • A new, 18-credit minor in data analytics, which is available to any undergraduate student at Syracuse University
  • A new certificate of advanced studies program, Enterprise Technology Leadership. The program was jointly designed by the iSchool, the College of Engineering and Computer Science and the Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University.
  • An updated certificate of advanced studies in IT Management is now being offered.

Placement Rates

The iSchool is exhibiting continuing high levels of placements and student earnings at the start of their careers, as illustrated by:

  • A 92 percent 2017 placement rate for students earning bachelor’s degrees in information management and technology, with their starting salaries averaging $67,003
  • A 92 percent 2017 placement rate for information management master’s degree students, with their starting salaries averaging $73,624
  • Master’s in Library Science program placements that in 2017 averaged 95 percent, with a rolling three-year average placement rate of 93 percent
  • The Master’s in Library Science: School Media specialty program’s 2017 placement rates of 100 percent, and its three-year rolling average placement rate of 100 percent.


To date, entrepreneurship programs and competition involvement by the School has resulted in:

  • 300 students taking part in entrepreneurship experiences
  • 175 mentors being involved
  • 197 startup teams being formed
  • $1,283,800 in startup competition winnings earned
  • $29.9 million in venture capital received from those efforts.

Experiential Learning

Hands-on learning experiences at the iSchool for students that include these achievements:

  • An iConsult client-work program that in 2018, engaged 80 students, gaining them 10,000 hours of “real-world” experience on more than 30 actual-client projects.
  • Increasing rates of students experiencing the iSchool’s signature immersion and experiential learning programs. For the past seven years, 17 full weeks of immersions have been conducted, with total enrollment by 292 students, including 98 who completed immersions in 2018.
  • High quality of instruction, as borne out by an average of 4.25 percent (out of a score of 5.0) satisfaction rate overall in course evaluations by students.

Increasing Diversity and Outreach

The iSchool’s enrollment reflects increasing diversity and outreach efforts, including:

  • A 2018 undergraduate class that is 47 percent female – an achievement that “for our industry, is wonderful,” Dean Liddy said.
  • High support of and involvement by veterans and military, reflected by the 76 self-identified veterans and active military members attending the iSchool
  • Combined undergraduate and graduate enrollment totals that are at a five-year high of 1,933
  • Online enrollment that has zoomed—from 15 students in 2015 to 749 students currently.