Two local library leaders will be the keynote speakers at the 5th annual Day of FitS conference organized by graduate students in the Library and Information Science Student Assembly (LISSA) at the School of Information Studies (iSchool).

FitS stands for Filling in the Spaces, and is a one-day event that allows the iSchool community to come together for exhibitions, presentations, and panel discussions. The out-of-classroom learning experience offers students a chance to explore ideas and topics that are outside of the traditional library science curriculum, and that are be helpful to them as they prepare for their careers after graduate school.

The keynote speakers will be Wendy Scott G’77, Executive Director of the Community Library of Dewitt and Jamesville, and Marc Wildman G’99, Executive Director of the Central New York Library Resources Council. Their speech is entitled Building Libraries: It’s Not About the Books. Scott and Wildman are both graduates of the iSchool’s M.S. in Library and Information Science program.

In addition to the keynote presentation, conference organizers have assembled over a dozen other sessions presented by faculty, students, alumni, and community members. Session topics include Networking in the Library Profession, Libraries and Fake News, Running a Robotics Club, and Librarian Skills in the Big Data Era. View the full schedule.

The conference will take place on Saturday, March 23rd, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in Hinds Hall. Breakfast will be provided for attendees and will begin at 9:30 a.m.