Zixiang (Alex) Tan

Professor Emeritus

Zixiang (Alex) Tan has worked in the telecommunications field for more than fifteen years. He previously spent time in the telecommunications field in various organizations including a Chinese central government agency, in Alcatel’s European branch, and a research center at the University of Nebraska. In addition, he has completed consulting projects for many multinational corporations including AT&T (Lucent Technology), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Scientific-Atlanta, BellSouth, Space Systems/Loral, Vodafone, Telesystem, IDC, and others. Alex received his Ph. D. degree in Telecommunications Policy and Management from Rutgers University in New Jersey. He holds both a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Alex has a second Master’s degree in Communications and Information Technology Policy from SPRU of the University of Sussex in the UK.