Two student veterans from the School of Information Studies (iSchool) will appear in a special performance of ‘Separated’ at the Paley Center for Media in New York City on Monday, November 13.

‘Separated’ is a live performance based on the personal stories of eight Syracuse University student veterans

Last fall, ‘Separated’ debuted at Syracuse Stage for what was intended to be its one and only performance. “However, the stories of ‘Separated’ moved and impacted so many so profoundly that we decided to ask the student veterans if they would perform ‘Separated’ just once more—this time in New York City,” says Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation J. Michael Haynie. “And we were thrilled when all eight of them agreed.”

The military service experience of iSchool senior Zackary Couch and graduate student Ginger Peterman, along with classmates Nick Brincka, Halston Canty, Brandon Smith, Jake VanMarter, Zack Watson and Kierston Whaley, includes tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. The students represent the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps.

The title of the performance reflects the intense experiences each student endured first in separating from home and family to join the military, and then in separating from the military to return to civilian life.

The production, a collaboration among the School of Visual and Performing Arts, the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs and Syracuse Stage, allows these eight student veterans bring their experiences to life for the audience.

“Over many weeks last fall, these eight students were brave in telling their stories—the good, the bad, and the ugly—to Syracuse Stage playwright Kyle Bass,” says Haynie. “In turn, Kyle masterfully wove those stories into a narrative reflecting the intense experiences each student endured.” 

The special evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception, and the performance will follow at 6:15 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online until Saturday, November 11.