Happy birthday Twitter!

Today marks Twitter’s 8th anniversary, and in order to celebrate, the social media platform has introduced a new tool for users to relive their #FirstTweet ever sent on the network. 

For some, it may be embarrassing, and for others it will be the generic – (such as, “Trying out this Twitter thing.”)

Whatever it is, you can find it at first-tweets.com. All you have to do is type in your username to see what you first Tweeted. If you are already logged in to your Twitter account, your first Tweet will automatically appear when you visit the site. After you see your Tweet, you have the option to Tweet it out and share it with your followers.

The one drawback is that you will not be able to see your first tweet if your account is private. However, you also have the opportunity to  type in other people’s Twitter accounts to see what their first Tweet was. It is pretty awesome to see what was being said years ago. Check out these tweets below! 


Co-Founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, sending the first Tweet ever. At this time, there was not an “i” or “e” in Twitter (4:50PM Mar 21, 2006).


‘Cuse Athletics welcoming new fans to follow along with game updates and all ‘Cuse athletic news (4:20PM Dec 4, 2008).


President Barack Obama (prior to becoming president), giving United States citizens an assurance that we were close to ending the war in Iraq (3:04PM Apr 29, 2007).


Justin Bieber encouraging his fans to check out his new single, “One Time,” on his myspace. Yes, on his MySpace! (11:27PM Mar 11, 2009).  


Lady Gaga, who is one of the most influential Tweeters, sent this Tweet. I know I don’t understand it but maybe some other people do, considering that it received 8,949 retweets and 5,011 favorites… (10:56PM Mar 26, 2009).


Lebron James making his entrance into the Twitter world. Giving a shoutout to Chris Paul for encouraging him to get on his Twitter swag (4:15PM Jul 6, 2010).


Oprah Winfrey saying “hello” and “thank you” to her followers. Sharing that she feels “21st century” (Apr 17, 2009).

Will you go find your first Tweet? Let me know in the comments below or Tweet me @ceek22