Three of the top five scholarship winners of the Third Annual Destination z Enterprise Computing scholarship are graduate students in the information management program at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool).

“I’m thrilled,” said iSchool Professor Dave Dischiave, director of the Information Management graduate program. “There are so many good things happening with IBM and the school that I’m starting to lose track.”

A panel of judges from Rocket Software, Innovation Data Processing, and IBM selected Chhavi Gupta G’11, Sharon Akkoul G’11, and Jasy Suet Liew G’11 as three of this year’s eight winners.

Gupta received the first place prize of $1,500 as part of the Greg Zaubi Memorial Scholarship, in memory of the Marist College systems programmer who spent the latter part of his career connecting thousands of students and professors worldwide to System z. Akkoul and Liew were awarded $1,000 and $500, respectively.

All students attending one of the 26 IBM Destination z academic institutions around the globe were eligible to apply. The scholarship fund, sponsored by the IBM Destination z Business Partner members and supporters—including IBM, Innovation Data Processing, Rocket Software, Mainframe Executive, Mainline Information Systems, Velocity Software, Vicom Infinity, Matter of Fact Software, and Z Journal—is dedicated to enabling committed engineering, computer science, and business information management students to advance their mainframe computing capabilities.