The following post is an entry in the SUxSW contest, which will allow four winning students to attend the Interactive portion of the SxSW conference in Austin, TX, this March.

After reading the description of SXSW and what is entailed in the conference, I immediately said wow what an experience for the individual who is chosen by the panel of judges and the Syracuse University iSchool to attend this pioneering conference in Austin, Texas.

There could not be a better location in regards to technology and innovation to hold this conference than Austin, Texas considering Austin, Texas is known as the up and coming place to be for technology and nicknamed the “mini-Silicon Valley” due to the immense advancement and technological opportunities located in Austin Texas. Personally, Austin, Texas tops my list of where I want to end up after I leave Syracuse.

The opportunity to interact with the individuals attending and coordinating this conference would be an illustrious experience for me in the advancement of my entrepreneurial adventures and technological knowledge. I believe I have an entrepreneurial mind that is always brainstorming ways to develop new concepts and ideas that would be successful in today’s technological community such as an online NCAA recruiting platform to help aide in the recruitment of student-athletes to different colleges to help not only the coaches and student –athletes but the administration. Being a former student-athlete, I know first hand the tedious and difficult process each recruited athlete goes through and believe there is a way to evolve the current way of recruiting from the 20th century into the 21st century.

Currently my business partner and I are working on a customizable online management platform that will give the user of the platform the opportunity to customize their workspace the exact way they want it by adding only the applications and favorite websites or stores the user would want to add to their workspace. The best analogy for the online management platform we are developing is to say the platform is an online version of the iPhone that a user can use on their personal computer. We also have the hopes of transforming all of the websites into “virtual stores,” to try and eliminate 2D websites and introduce the 3D websites that looks like the user is actually walking into the brick and mortar store.

We are in the technological age in the world with exponential technological advancement everyday. By giving me the opportunity to attend the conference in Austin, Texas, I will be able to interact and broaden my views with individuals whose technological minds are much more advanced than mine in order to brainstorm ideas and get different aspects and ways of thinking. The different ideas and ways of thinking will help me develop not only the online management platform my partner and I are in the process of developing, but to learn the trends in the technological world in which I hope to enter into and the main reason I decided to attend Syracuse University to earn my undergraduate degree in Information Management and Technology from the school of Information Studies.