Students from various programs gathered inside the Martin J. Whitman School of Management on Friday, March 26, to participate in a one-day intensive career networking program. The program provided students with the opportunity to learn more about different career opportunities and learn helpful tips on how to succeed at a career fair and in an interview.

Students were able to sign up for numerous workshops including networking, personal branding, and interviewing techniques. These workshops were led by job/internship recruiters who shared personal stories on positive and negative things students have done when speaking with recruiters at job fairs or interviewing for jobs.

Hannah Lee, a recruiter for Macy’s, gave a presentation on personal branding and offered students tips for succeeding at a career fair. Her suggestions ranged from showing up to the career fair prepared and properly dressed to smaller issues like wiping your hand on your pants before shaking the recruiter’s hand.

“It was pretty interesting to hear what recruiters are actually looking for at career fairs,” said iSchool senior Celestine Sin ’10. She was most interested in getting her resume critiqued. Students could also schedule mock interviews throughout the day.

Jeffrey Agranoff, the human resources and recruiting director at accounting advising firm Friedman LLP, offered tips on how to succeed in an interview, such as, preparing stories before entering an interview that demonstrate your leadership and team building skills.

iSchool junior Steve Marquez ’11 found Agranoff’s interviewing technique presentation to be the most beneficial because Agranoff provided specific areas such as behavioral and group dynamics that students should be prepared to answer. “The event was pretty useful,” Marquez said. “It was the little things the recruiters told us that were most helpful.”

Instead of attending the interview technique presentation, students had the option to attend a social media presentation that highlighted the basic safety rules and privacy concerns when using social media tools such as Facebook.

“The social media presentation was helpful,” said iSchool junior Regina Chu ’11. The presenter reinforced the idea that social media is a giant conversation and users need to be aware that quality matters as much as context, said Chu.

At noon, the workshops ended, and students and recruiters gathered in the Whitman lobby to enjoy refreshments and watch a fashion show for business dress hosted by Lord and Taylor’s Fashion Director Jules Capesello. Here are her tips for putting together a corporate look:


  • The “must have” item is a black pencil skirt.
  • Black fitted suit jacket
  • Add some color with a bright shirt under the jacket
  • Nude or black tights
  • Closed toe shoe


  • Must have an all black tailored suit
  • A white dress shirt says crisp, clear and professional
  • Tie should be a single color that will stand out
  • Belt and (polished) shoes must be the same color
  • Socks should always match the pants

In the afternoon students were able to attend career panels for accounting and finance, not for profits, marketing and retail, research and development, supply chain management and EEE, and government sector. These panels gave student the chance to learn about different job opportunities and ask panelists questions about their field and how they have succeeded in their position.

The event finished with a three-course etiquette dinner at 5 p.m. in the Sheraton Hotel, where students were able to dine with recruiters and learn valuable tips for attending business dinner.

The Explore & Experience program is sponsored by the School of Information Studies (iSchool), the Center for Career Services, the Whitman Career Center and the College of Arts and Sciences.