USA Today College recently compiled a list of 20 colleges using social media in exceptional ways. Syracuse University was listed second in this report, following Notre Dame, and ahead of schools such as Harvard, Duke, and Stanford.

“Though every university seems to have a Facebook page, Twitter account and You Tube channel,” the article stated, “there are an exceptional few colleges who have truly done great things in social media, becoming influencers and brainstormers online.”

Earlier this year, Klout, which measures online influence across various platforms, ranked Syracuse University as the second most influential college on Twitter. Anthony Rotolo, iSchool professor & Syracuse University Social Media Strategist, and Kelly Lux, iSchool community manager have led this initiative for the past 18 months, working daily with a talented student social media team, many of them current or former students in Professor Rotolo’s Social Media in the Enterprise course.

“The school continues to innovate in social media, relying on talented students in the School of Information Studies and other programs,” the article said.

“It’s wonderful to have the work we are doing here in social media recognized at a national level,” Lux said. “Our iSchool students have played a major role in bringing about the attention we have received through their fresh and innovative work on our team.”

“It’s great to be recognized for all the hard work we’ve put in,” Alyssa Henry G’12, a member of the student team, said. “I look forward to continuing to contribute to the University’s social media presence, particularly at the iSchool.”