Every day, the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) strives to expand human capabilities through information. In alignment with this vision, six student representatives traveled to New York City to attend Brand Camp University last week: John Burke ’12, Daniel Entrup ’13, David Rosen ’11, Gretchen Schroeder G’11, Brad Slavin ’14, and Lauren Wannermeyer ’12. Brand Camp is an entrepreneurial conference focused around personal branding.

The day-long event featured nine speakers, who all had valuable information to share. These included Peter Shankman (Founder of HARO), Amanda Steinberg (Founder of DailyWorth) and Baratude Thurston (Director of Digital at The Onion).

“These speakers knew their brands,” Slavin said. “They knew the company they worked for, and they knew themselves.”

The iSchool students were responsible for live-tweeting the conference as well as writing a blog post summarizing their experiences. Each student had different takeaways, but they all felt it was a valuable experience.

“The most important thing I took away from Brand Camp was the idea that everything you do in life becomes part of your identity,” Burke said. “The speakers at this conference were met with both failure and success and learned more than anyone could have hoped for in the process.”

Check out the student blog posts on Information Space.