Network Computing has featured a blog post about the experience of Harshit Kapoor, graduate student at Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool), at the business and technology event Interop.

“In [a] session on social networking and security concerns, Ben Rothke said to ‘blame the players, not the game,’ because social network security problems are more of a human issue than a technology issue,” wrote Kapoor who studies Telecommunications and Network Management. “[Rothke] noted that EU countries have taken information security seriously for a long time and that security training programs are an effective way to improve end-user awareness. He also stressed that organization have to adopt policies and strategies on the use of social networks.”

Network Computing Site Editor Mike Fratto, who teaches a network security course at the iSchool, encouraged Kapoor to attend Interop and “immerse [himself] in the state of our industry.” In addition to the panel on social networking and security, Kapoor attended sessions focusing on the advantages and concerns of cloud computing, wireless technology and mobility, and network virtualization.

“The panel [wireless technology and mobility] focused on five issues: poor governance, which leads to a lack of decision making and poor communication; lack of mobility strategies, which lead to insufficient usage and support policies; security issues such as device theft and loss of information; information leakage via Wi-Fi eavesdropping and failure to purge data and poor device management systems, in which organizations lack a single or universal management system for heterogeneous collections of phones and platforms,” Kapoor summarized.

“The panel recommended that users need to understand the capabilities and features of mobile devices,” Kapoor wrote. “They also recommended a common platform that supports ‘write once, deploy anywhere’ capabilities. Finally, they encouraged IT to develop security policies, information policies and user policies to tackle issues in the wireless and mobile domains.”

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