Social media saturation, smarter search engine development, mobile devices and cell phone proliferation, IT energy consumption, and ease of IT adoption and use are among the topic areas that researchers from Syracuse University School of Information Studies will be exploring at the 2010 iConference: iMPACTS at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign February 3 through 6.

Fifteen Ph.D. students from the Syracuse iSchool are among 77 selected to present posters at the conference, and more than a dozen faculty members will also be presenting workshops or posters, or leading sessions.

They will be joining colleagues from a growing number of leading information across the globe who have joined together to build awareness of, support for, and involvement with the information field. These iSchools explore the relationship among information, people, and technology.

The iConference will be focused on “impacts,” particularly concerning the Obama Administration’s commitment to promoting open government and citizen participation.

Stephen Wolfram, founder & CEO of Wolfram Research, creator of Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha, and Marti Hearst, a professor at UC Berkeley currently working in the Obama administration, are the keynote speakers.

Hearst, a professor in the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley, will discuss how information technology is playing a new central role in the governing of the United States.

Wolfram is scheduled to speak at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 4, in the Chancellor Ballroom at the iHotel on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Hearst speaks at 10:30 am Friday, Feb. 5. Both plenaries are free and open to the public.

Additional sessions throughout the conference will focus on international perspectives on information, its management and application, public access, social networking, health informatics, and community engagement.

Follow participants’ postings from the iConference at the Syracuse iSchool blog, Information Space (

For more information on iConference, visit If you are interested in attending this conference as a media representative, please contact Maeve Reilly,, 217-244-7316.