Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) Assistant Professor Renee Franklin Hill’s paper was recently selected as one of four best papers of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2011 Conference.

“Are We There Yet? Library and Information Studies Students’ Perceptions of their Level of Cultural Competence,” was co-presented by Dr. Franklin Hill and Wayne State University Assistant Professor Kafi Kumasi at the ALISE Conference in early January. It will appear in the upcoming fall 2011 issue of the Journal of Education in Library and Information Science (JELIS).

“I’m very pleased that our paper was selected as one of the best presented at the conference,” Franklin Hill said. “There were a number of excellent papers under consideration, so to have ours selected is such an honor. I’m proud to represent the iSchool by having my research noticed in this way. I was especially encouraged by the positive comments from the reviewers and editors.”

The paper went through two rounds of review, receiving comments and critique from multiple reviewers. One reviewer commented, “Excellent review and framework; easily one of the best papers I’ve read on diversity and critical race in Library and Information Science (LIS) since Honma’s paper in 2005.”

Dr. Franklin Hill’s paper analyzes survey results from LIS students at two universities about the level to which their coursework prepared them to become culturally competent library practitioners.