R. David Lankes, director of the library and information science program at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies (iSchool), was recently featured in a January 2010 Information Today article. The article discusses the 29th Annual Charleston Conference, held November 4–7, 2009, in Charleston, S.C.

Lankes provided the keynote address for the Charleston Conference, which the Information Today article summarizes. His motivational keynote focused on the future of librarianship. According to Information Today, Lankes told the audience that librarians are uniquely positioned to lead in the knowledge age and that the best days of librarianship are ahead.

Lankes also said that today’s knowledge is created through conversations, and librarians need to focus on providing access to conversations so that they can “help create knowledge in their communities and improve society as a result.” In addition, Lankes said that the librarian profession is about change. “Librarians do not simply buy catalog, and store materials: They improve knowledge.”

Lankes received a B.F.A. in Multimedia Design, an M.S. in Telecommunications, and a Ph.D. from Syracuse University. In the past, Lankes has worked on multiple projects, including the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, the Gateway to Education Materials, AskERIC, and the Virtual Reference Desk. He has been appointed a visiting fellow at the National Library of Canada and the Harvard School of Education, and he was the first fellow of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy.