The School Media Program at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) will be offering a weekend series of Continuing Education Unit-bearing, campus-based workshops on topics relevant to school librarians called “The Innovative Librarian.” The workshops are designed for school and public librarians (although graduate students may enroll) and will be offered over the course of three weekends in August.

“We wanted to create a continuing learning program for librarians who are looking for innovative uses for cutting-edge technologies,” said Ruth V. Small, Director of the iSchool School Media program. “We hope the workshops will get school librarians thinking of new ways they can use technology effectively in their libraries, and also to create a community to share best practices.”

The three workshops will run in consecutive weekends starting August 6, 2011 and each will focus on using new technologies in an innovative way in a school library setting. The workshops, priced at $100 each, include:

  • Pam Berger, director of the Southern Westchester BOCES School library system will run the first workshop entitled “The Innovative Librarian’s Toolbox: Technology, Inquiry and Motivation” on August 6-7, 2011. Her workshop will focus on exploring the use of digital tools, such as video cameras, e-readers, and iPads in libraries.
  • The second, presented by Barbara Stripling, Director of Library Services for New York City Schools, “Igniting the Sparks of Inquiry with Innovative Technology” will be held August 13-14, 2011. Stripling will focus on ways in which librarians can use technology tools to help their students empower themselves to learn and tap into their own inquisitive natures.
  • Sue Kowalski, school librarian at Pine Grove Middle School in East Syracuse will present “No Library Left Behind: Innovative Tools for Power Marketing Your Library” on August 20. Her workshop will focus on using technology to develop and implement a marketing strategy to increase awareness and maximize the potential of library programs and services.

Participants can attend one, two, or all three workshops and scholarships will be available to those who can demonstrate need. Each ten-hour workshop will fulfill one CEU credit. For more information, please visit