The Syracuse University School of Information Science’s eScience Librarianship Program announced the launch of the eScience Fellow’s personal blogs. The blogs will offer the public direct access to up to date information about their projects, internships and courses. All sites are online and can be linked from the ‘Coursework Projects’ section of the website.

“Part of our mandate from the IMLS is to publicly disseminate information gathered from the Fellow’s discoveries,” said Dr. Jian Qin, Principal Investigator of the project. “The Fellow’s blogs will do just that.”

The launch of the blogs is part of a greater initiative to increase the web and social media presence of the eScience Librarianship Program.

“As the eScience program matures, we need to get the word out in a variety of ways,” said Joshua Kitlas, webmaster for the project. “The Fellow’s blogs and other social media outlet will build on what we’ve done already with the website.”

Find out more about the program and links to the Fellow’s blogs at