Alison Miller, an executive doctorate student at the Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool), was named a 2010 Mover & Shaker by Library Journal. The publication’s annual Movers & Shakers list highlights 50 exceptional library professionals in several categories: advocates, innovators, marketers, tech leaders, community builders, and change agents. Library Journal recognized Miller as an innovator in the library field for her work in the areas of distance learning and library services.

Academically, Miller’s research interests focus on identifying effective academic and library instruction in the distance learning environment at the master’s level, comparing distance learning environments at the master’s level, the collaboration among online instructors, and services for distance students in comparison to traditional on-campus master’s students.

Outside of her doctoral studies at the iSchool, Miller is manager of library reference for ipl2, a reference service of the merged Internet Public Library and the Librarian’s Internet Index. She is also a key leader in the My Info Quest project (, a text-messaging reference program created in response to people now sending more texts than making calls.

“My goals include continuing the crusade for information literacy, advocating the growing relevance of librarians and libraries, and contributing to the profession,” Miller said.  “I am also very interested in bridging the gap between librarians, instructors, and distance education students. Many are doing great things in distance education to connect students to librarians and libraries, and I want to add value to that.”

“I feel absolutely honored and proud to be part of the 2010 class of Library Journal Movers & Shakers,” Miller said. “We don’t do what we do for recognition—we do it out of passion and to help educate others by promoting information literacy. We do it to contribute to the field in sharing ideas and knowledge and to make a difference. However, in doing this it gives us a sense of pride to know that others respect and value what we do. For me, it makes me want to continue to do what I’m doing and do more!”

To learn more about Miller and the rest of the 2010 Library Journal Movers & Shakers, view the complete list.