The Syracuse University School of Information Studies recognized approximately 110 undergraduates, 260 master’s graduates, and one doctoral degree graduate at the school’s convocation at May 15 in the Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center’s Goldstein Auditorium.

Dean Elizabeth D. Liddy welcomed guests and graduates and made surprise announcement that the University has appointed retiring iSchool Professor of Practice Bob Benjamin to the position of Professor of Practice Emeritus. Then she directed her comments to the iSchool graduating class of 2010.

“What an absolutely tremendous time to be graduating with a degree in information,” Liddy said. “I’m sure most of you realize how central information is. It’s central for all organizations, for all people, and in all aspects of our lives. And the rate at which the world is recognizing the centrality and significance of our field increases dramatically every day.”

During his speech, Graduate Leadership Award recipient Shay Colson G’10, a graduate of the M.S. in Information Management, described how this fellow graduates would be shaping the future by connecting communities, curating conversations, and cultivating collaborations.

“If there’s only one lesson I will take with me from my time at the iSchool, it is this: above all things is the value of the human connection,” said Shay Colson G’10, a graduate of the M.S. in Information Management and recipient of the iSchool’s Graduate Leadership Award. “Be grateful for the connections you’ve made, and will continue to make.”

“So, as you walk across the stage, pause to remember those connections you’ve made – new friends, new colleagues, and new opportunities,” he said. “Carry these connections with you as you move forward in your careers…These connections are more than just Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn or Foursquare. These connections are the very foundation of our society, and in making them, you can make the world a better, more connected – and more human – place.”

Undergraduate Leadership Award Recipient Katlyn Bennett ’10 told reflected on the times she’d shared with her peers over the past four years.

“We all came here to further our education, and earn a degree,” Bennett said. “But for most of us, it was also a time to discover who we are and what we want to achieve in life. I am sure some of you are feeling well prepared and confident about the journey you are about to embark upon, while others may be a little less certain. Regardless, always keep in mind that each challenge you are presented with is worth facing, and every opportunity is worth pursuing, because you never know where it may lead you.”

Arthur Thomas, professor of practice and director of the global enterprise technology programs, received the Jeffrey Katzer Professor of the Year, and during his speech, he reminded students that the greatness they need to succeed is within them.

“The secret to being able to rise to meet every next challenge is in knowing that everything up to this point in your life has prepared you for it,” Thomas said. “You just need to find the greatness that is in you to make it happen. You can do this! You are graduates of the iSchool, after all – the elite students – the cream of the crop who will achieve excellence ‘out there’ just as you have achieved it ‘in here.’”

During the ceremony, a number of students were recognized for their accomplishments, including Dean’s Scholars Joseph P. Brusa, Irina S. Khachatryan, Ashley Lauren Nelson-Hornstein, Charles James Rouse, Brian Richard Skiba, Brendan D. Tindall, Ryan Douglas Wellman, and Brad Winckelman, all students in the B.S. in Information Management and Technology program. Katlyn Bennett and Matthew Rose served as the undergraduate Class Marshals.

The master’s degree prize winners are Ashley Christopher (Information Management), Laura Deal (Library and Information Science), April Yannarelli (School Media), and Ryan Gleed (Telecommunications and Network Management). Saira Haque received the Doctoral Prize.

Other student awards presented included the Antje Lemke Book Award and Scholarship to Rebecca Buerkett and Michael Luther; Amy Everett Award for Information Ethics to Sam Basl and Thomas Onoszko; Angela De Silva Inspirational Achievement Award to Corey Condello; John R. Weitzel Memorial Award for Information Systems Research to Endri Mataj; and the Donald A. and Joyce P. Marchand Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement to Chris Turner.

The following students were selected to serve as Alumni Class Leaders: Katlyn Bennett, James Benninger, Anthony Ortiz, Leslie Tabor, Ankita Verma, and LaToya Welch.

Sensis Corp. Chief Information Officer Thomas Uva received the Outstanding Part-Time Faculty of the Year.

Following the formal ceremony, graduates and their families gathered in the Panasci Lounge for a reception.