Polaris Library Systems, a leading provider of library automation technology, is joining forces with the Syracuse University School of Information Studies, which is ranked No. 1 in information systems among all U.S. library and information science schools. The collaboration seeks to improve technological and information services available to libraries and to provide more research and professional development experiences for iSchool students.

“We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the leader in library information systems,” said iSchool Dean Elizabeth D. Liddy. “This is a mutually beneficial relationship that will advance services available to the public at libraries and at the same time will provide meaningful research and work experiences for our students. I expect to see significant innovations emerge from this collaboration.”

In the collaboration, iSchool students, faculty, and researchers will work directly with the staff at Polaris Library Systems to develop innovative technology and product offerings. Polaris leaders will also work with iSchool faculty to bring invaluable industry experience into the classroom so that iSchool students graduate with the capabilities needed to be successful in the work environment. The relationship will also create a pipeline of student talent for internships and full-time employment opportunities at Polaris.

A key aspect of the collaboration involves the implementation of the Polaris Integrated Library System (ILS) test environment at the iSchool for education and research this fall. This system will be an integral hands-on part of the iSchool’s library systems course, in which students will brainstorm new applications and test them on the Polaris system.

Polaris and the iSchool also plan on creating an Idea Generation Board, consisting of faculty and researchers from the iSchool and staff members from Polaris. There are also plans for a summit to imagine new services and generate research and development projects.

“We’re excited to partner with the leading information systems school in the country to create meaningful solutions for libraries and to develop the skills of the next generation of library leaders,” said Polaris President and CEO Bill Schickling. “This collaboration will connect the talent and experience of both organizations to benefit libraries, communities and library education.”

About the Syracuse University School of Information Studies

The Syracuse University School of Information Studies (iSchool) is a professional school that educates students on the relationship of information, technology, policy, and people to prepare them for careers in the ever-changing information environment of the global marketplace. The school offers an undergraduate degree, certificates of advanced studies, three professional master’s degree programs, and two doctoral programs. Accredited by the American Library Association, the iSchool is a leader in online and innovative curriculum delivery, offering campus-based, online, and blended coursework at the graduate level. The iSchool is ranked No. 1 in information systems, third in library and information studies, and fourth in school media and digital libraries by U.S. News and World Report. For more information, visit https://ischool.syr.edu.

About Polaris Library Systems

From its beginning thirty years ago, Polaris Library Systems has served libraries with time-saving technology, from its first circulation system in the mid-1970s through its third-generation Polaris Integrated Library System. In addition to its library automation systems, Polaris Library Systems offers workflow analysis, database enhancement, wireless access and network services to libraries. For more information about Polaris Library Systems, visit http://www.polarislibrary.com/.