By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

Susan Dischiave, associate professor of practice and director of the Bachelor of Science program in Information Management and Technology at the School of Information Studies (iSchool), is co-chairing a two-day conference – Big Data and Analytics EdCon 2013 – this Saturday and Sunday in Las Vegas.

The event is coordinated by IBM, the iSchool, and the University of Ottawa's Telfer School of Management. Co-chairing conference working groups with Dischiave is Gregory Richards, MBA, Ph.D, FCMCprofessor of performance management at the Telfer School.

The event’s key goal is to explore the challenges related to delivering big data and analytics education on a global level. Representatives of more than 53 leading educational organizations and universities from the U.S., Canada, and other countries are participating in what is described as “an action-oriented and participant-driven peer review workshop to discuss the future of big data and analytics and revolutionize the availability of big data and analytics skills for businesses to leverage.”

In addition to speakers and delegates from the U.S. and Canada, the international panel includes speakers and delegates from China, France, Hong Kong, Israel, Latvia, Norway, Philippines, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Keynoting the conference is Ruth Krumhansl, director of the Oceans of Data Instituteat the Education Development Center, Inc.  The Institute is dedicated to transforming K-16 science education to support student entry into a world of Big Data by serving as an intellectual hub and thought leader, conducting research, and developing and testing new materials and teaching approaches. She will discuss, “Preparing High School Students for College and the World of Big Data.”

Topics attendees will address include identifying and expounding upon the potential of big data and data analytics to transform business and academia, and outlining projects and plans for developing K-12, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate curricula.

The conference preceeds The IBM Information on Demand 2013 conference, which takes place in Las Vegas November 3-7.