By: Hailey Temple

As a part continuing support of aspiring entrepreneurs, the Syracuse Student Sandbox will be hosting panel discussions to educate participating teams throughout the summer.

In a discussion hosted yesterday, Syracuse University Career Services Internship Coordinator Jennifer Renee Pluta and CASE Center Program Manager David DiMaggio. Titled “Internship Overview: Sourcing Students and Employee Guidelines,” the panelists covered the components and legalities of internships for startup companies housed at the Student Sandbox.

Ian Dickerson, Co-Founder and CEO of Centscere, one of the student companies residing in the Sandbox this summer, found the discussion enlightening, saying, “Interns are a great resource, but I had never looked into them with so much detail before. It’s great knowing there are resources here to ensure we manage interns in a legal way and pay attention to small details.”

The Student Sandbox program is designed to mentor, fund, and motivate students from the Central New York area to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. By providing panels and guest speakers throughout the summer and into the school year, students receive opportunities to improve their businesses while connecting with the professional world.

As Centcere begins its first year at the Student Sandbox, Dickerson sees the benefits of joining the student incubator: “When we have discussions and network with influential people in the Syracuse area, you get to see problems that may arise can bounce ideas off each other. Being in an entrepreneurial environment is motivating and seeing others succeed motivates us to improve as a team. “

The Student Sandbox currently hosts 22 teams mentored by educators and professionals across Central New York. Teams are housed at the Tech Garden in downtown Syracuse. To learn more, visit the Student Sandbox website.