By: Stacey Keefe
(315) 443-7086

From applications that allow patrons to reserve a table at a restaurant without standing around waiting in line, to a monthly DIY kit that delivers the latest fashion trends to your door, to a site that takes the creepiness out of online dating, the fourth annual RvD IDEA Student Sandbox Demo Day will showcase the innovation and dedication of Central New York student entrepreneurs on Wednesday, August 15th at The Tech Garden and the first floor of the AXA towers in downtown Syracuse.

As part of the Raymond von Dran Innovation and Disruptive Entrepreneurship Accelerator (IDEA) , the Student Sandbox  is a unique business acceleration program that gives aspiring student entrepreneurs the resources to make their visions a reality. The objective of the Sandbox is to accelerate the process of ideation, development and deployment through mentoring and coaching. The 14-week, hands-on course has an end goal of producing revenue-generating entities or investment-ready firms.

Demo Day is the culmination of all the teams’ hard work.  Pitches will be held in the lobby of the AXA towers at 4:00pm. Fifteen student teams will give 5 minute presentations followed by 2-3 minutes of questions and answers.  There will be a tradeshow at 6:30pm in the Student Sandbox, located in The Tech Garden at 235 Harrison Street, Syracuse NY, 13202. There will be approximately 25 student teams demonstrating their products and services and refreshments will be served.
The event is free and open to the public.  Investors, mentors, friends, customers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, faculty, media and supporters are all encouraged to attend; please R.S.V.P. by indicating that you will attend: