School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Professor Jennifer Stromer-Galley will be the first speaker in the 2016 Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics & the Media (IJPM) Law, Politics & the Media Speaker Series.

The series, in its eighth year, is co-sponsored by IJPM and the Tully Center for Free Speech, and features noted experts in politics, policy, law and the media to discuss current topics in the interdisciplinary study of law, politics and the media.

The IJPM is a collaborative effort among Syracuse University’s College of LawMaxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, and S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.

The semester’s first event, scheduled for Feb. 17, will feature Stromer-Galley, director of the iSchool’s Center for Computational and Data Science, who will present, “Contextualizing 2016: Understanding the Evolution of Digital Strategy in Presidential Campaigning.” The talk is open to the entire University community and will be held in room 360 of Dineen Hall at 4:00 PM. 

At the iSchool, Stromer-Galley studies human interaction with and through digital technologies. Her wide-ranging work has explored why people talk about politics online, and what practical addition deliberation can bring to e-government. She has also developed a coding scheme to assess the qualities of political discussion. In related work, she has worked with computer scientists to develop algorithms to automatically assess roles in online group discussion, including leadership and influence.

In addition to her appointment at the iSchool, Stromer-Galley is an affiliated faculty member with the Department of Political Science in the Maxwell School, and Vice President of the Association of Internet Researchers.