By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

Associate Professor Carsten Østerlund has been selected to serve in the position of associate editor at Information Systems Research (ISR) Journal.

The journal, which is consistently ranked as one of the top two journals in the information field, seeks to advance knowledge about the effective and efficient utilization of information technology by individuals, groups, organizations, society, and nations for the improvement of economic and social welfare. ISR examines a wide variety of phenomena and topics related to the design, management, use, valuation, and impacts of information technologies at different levels of analysis (i.e., individuals, groups, firms, networks, societies, and nations as its focus. 

At the iSchool, Østerlund’s interest and research areas include distributed and virtual work, organizational learning and knowledge, communication practices, and medical informatics. His research explores the organizational implications of information systems. He also studies the organization, creation, and use of documents in distributed work environments where peoples’ daily practices are characterized by high mobility.

He will serve in the associate editor role for three years, beginning in January 2014.