By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Professor and senior associate dean Jeffrey Stanton was the featured guest on a recent episode of the Data Skeptic podcast.

The podcast interview, hosted by data scientist Kyle Polich, provided Stanton with an opportunity to discuss his book, An Introduction to Data Science, along with some of the unique challenges and issues faced by someone doing applied data science.

Polich's weekly podcast features conversations with researchers and other professionals active in applying data science to real world problems. Topics discussed relate to data science, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, all from the perspective of applying critical thinking and the scientific method to evaluate the veracity of claims and efficacy of approaches.

Stanton's book serves as a resource for a range of interests and audiences. The content was designed specifically for use in two iSchool courses, IST 718 (Advanced Information Analytics) and IST 719 (Data Visualization), both offerings in the iSchool's Certificate of Advanced Studies in Data Science.

The Data Skeptic podcast is available on iTunes and Stitcher. Stanton's segment can be heard below.