The “Digital Blender” group is cool and calm under pressure.  Talking with them only 50 minutes before presentation time, they are showing no signs of nerves.  The pecha kucha presentation style will be a challenge, but they think it will move the presentation along and force them to focus on their main points.

Their central idea is to integrate social media into education at the elementary and middle school level.  Allowing young students to interact with other students down the street or across the globe will broaden their perspectives, according to the “Digital Blender” crew.

The group’s impression of the weekend is overwhelmingly positive.  Like others, they mentioned how much they benefited from working with students from different academic backgrounds.  But they said that they are all results-driven and clear-minded, so they’ve run into very few challenges as a group.  They also noted that their skill sets are complementary.  One group member can develop text for a Powerpoint slide, while another designs a logo, while another researches on the internet.