By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

School of Information Studies (iSchool) Professor and Associate Dean for Research Steven B. Sawyer has co-authored three journal papers that were recently published.

In “U.S. Public Safety Networks: Architectural Patterns and Performance,” for the journal Information Policy, Sawyer worked for the first time to use fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, he said. The paper contains analysis and some initial insights into the patterns of information technology architecture that can be found in United States' public safety networks. The article can be found at:

Providing key contributions to the paper was Robert  Schrier, who was a graduate student at the iSchool and who now is employed at Polaris Library Systems; plus additional authors Jane Fedorowicz, of Bentley University; Martin Dias, of Northeastern University; Christine Williams, of Bentley University; and Mike Tyworth, of Penn State University.  

Social Technologies, Informal Knowledge Practices, and the Enterprise,” was recently published in the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (DOI:10.1080/10919392.2013.748613).  Sawyer authored that paper with recent iSchool Ph.D. graduate M.H. Jarrahi, who deserves accolades since he was contributing to the paper “even as he finished his dissertation.” Sawyer noted that the paper “is getting lots of attention from his peers, for good reasons.” Jarrahi is now an assistant professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Along with Mark Hartswood, of the University of Edinburgh, Sawyer also has authored “Advancing Social Informatics,” with co-authors H. Rosenbaum, and P. Fichman. It is appearing in Social Informatics: Past, Present and Future, Cambridge Scholarly Publications.