By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

John Liddy, Entrepreneur in Residence at the Syracuse Student Sandbox will speak at a State University of New York Business and Education Cooperative of the Southern Tier (SUNY BEST) event in Binghamton on June 6.

In his talk, “Creating an Innovative Entrepreneurial Ecosystem,” Liddy will discuss the success of the Syracuse Student Sandbox, a unique business incubator that provides aspiring student entrepreneurs with the resources to make their visions a reality.

 “By blurring lines around the perimeter of the campus and drawing new, connecting lines from the campus to the business community, the strengths of each can be combined to create a powerful platform for new student startups,” explained Liddy.

The objective of the Sandbox is to accelerate the process of ideation, development and deployment through mentoring and coaching. The twelve-week experiential based summer program has an end-goal of producing revenue generating entities or investment ready firms. Last summer, the Sandbox hosted 34 teams.

Liddy’s talk is scheduled for 10 AM on Thursday, June 6 in room LN 1324C of the Continuing Education and Outreach Department on the Binghamton University campus. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Pre-registration for the event is required through the SUNY BEST website at

SUNY BEST is a volunteer group comprised of senior staff members from key economic and educational institutions in the Southern Tier. The group works to forge strong alliances, strengthen industry specific needs and provide information and outreach for business.