By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-3094

School of Information Studies (iSchool) Associate Professor Scott Nicholson is debuting a new recreational board game of his creation. Titled, “Going, Going, GONE!,” the game premiered recently in Germany at the Essen Game Fair, an event that draws an audience of about 170,000.

Going, Going, GONE” is being published by Stronghold Games. It will available in the United States later this month, according to Nicholson. The auction board game has been in development for about four years, he said.

“Getting games to market is a big deal in the game studies space,” he said of the accomplishment. “It’s similar to having a film credit in a media studies department.”

At the School, Nicholson also is in charge of the Because Play Matters Game Lab, where his focus has been on transformative games for informal learning environments, such as libraries and museums. He also has been running game jams. His academic research is focused on meaningful gamification—ways to use gaming experiences in order to motivate and reward people. 

More information about the “Going, Going Gone!” game is available here:  and on the Stronghold Games website.