By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

The New Explorations in Information and Science (NEXIS) laboratory at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) has received a $24,000 grant from Microsoft’s research division to support the lab’s research and educational efforts.

Shelly Farnham, a researcher for FUSELabs / Microsoft Research explained the reasons for selecting NEXIS as a grant recipient.

“In my visit to the school,” said Farnham, “I was particularly impressed by the NEXIS program, and want to support that kind of incubation-oriented R&D with the students.”

The gift will directly support student work in NEXIS, exploring new and experimental technologies, such as social networking and 3D printing.

“I am very pleased to have received this generous support from our friends at Microsoft FUSE Labs,” said Assistant Professor of Practice Anthony Rotolo, who leads the NEXIS initiatives. “It arrives at an important time in the growth of our center, and with the help of Microsoft, we can now make these opportunities available to more students at the iSchool and Syracuse University.”

“We are delighted that FUSELabs / Microsoft Research has chosen to support the iSchool and NEXIS,” said Assistant Dean for Advancement Scott Barrett. “Having a partner of this caliber is great recognition of the extraordinary innovation and engagement that is happening every day in NEXIS.”

NEXIS is a unique exploratorium focused on emerging technologies, new connections and unconventional areas of study in the information field. Often referred to within the iSchool as “The Starship NEXIS,” it launched in 2011 with its first focus on social networking. Since that time, NEXIS has become a center of discovery in a number of areas related to Internet content and culture, with ongoing activity in the areas of social media, data analysis and visualization, interactive technologies, open-source hardware and the Internet of Things.