Good morning! As we start the week after Thanksgiving,  here are the top tech stories we’re reading.

After an audit of 105 suppliers, Samsung did not identify any instances of child labor, but did uncover poor working conditions in some factories.

Facebook’s proposed new privacy policy conflicts with European law, according to regulators.

Hewlett-Packard is denying claims that it knowingly sold its products to Syria, in response to a letter from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Google announced today that it has acquired wireless Internet network provider ICOA Inc.  for $400 million. Google will gain 1,500 of ICOA’s broadband access installations across 45 states.

Lawmakers across the country are divided on the issue of warrantless cellphone search legality. On Thursday, a Senate committee could propose changes to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

What else are you reading? Share in the comments section. 

UPDATE: Sources at Google and ICOA have denied that the acquisition has taken place, and have said that a false press release was published.