Historical documents and books provide clues about previous cultures and the evolution of society. They serve as memories of times and places for a modern day audience, and as a tangible connection between the ages. So how do we preserve these items, and what repairs can be made to the materials to maintain its historical integrity and yet still enable researchers to access and use them?

This spring, School of Information Studies Professor Kenneth Lavender will teach a newly revamped graduate course, IST 624 Preservation of Library and Archival Collections, to address the issues that arise in the maintenance of materials over the course of time. The class will provide an introduction to the issues, treatments, and planning strategies associated with the preservation of library and archival collections, including paper documents, audio-visual materials, and digital objects.

This offering of the course includes a new lab component, where students will get hands-on experience treating and preserving materials. This includes cleaning, repairing, and creating protective enclosures.

Students will also learn about the basic principles of archival management, including selection, appraisal, and access.

There are no pre- or co-requisites for IST 624, which is open to any SU graduate student. The class is limited to 15 students. The spring course meets from 5 to 7:50 p.m. Mondays in 120 Hinds Hall.

For more information, contact Prof. Lavender at klavende@syr.edu, 315-443-6890, or 226 Hinds Hall.