By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

Two information sessions–one this Friday and another next Thursday—are planned to introduce students to a new section of a data science course featuring the School of Information Studies’ signature immersion learning experience.  

Information sessions are being hosted this Friday (October 10) from 1–2 PM at 120 Hinds Hall, and again on Thursday, October 16, from 4–5 PM (in the same location) to introduce the special section of IST 687, Applied Data Science, dubbed ‘Data By The Lake.’ The course, being offered this spring in an enhanced format, features an immersion week in Chicago as part of the experience.

The innovative program introduces fundamentals of data analysis and data mining, and in this enhanced presentation, applies the concepts learned to real problems at business organizations in Chicago. In class, students will be discussing broader issues relating to leveraging both data analytics and data visualization to answer real-world data challenges. Student teams will then focus on real data problems being experienced by organizations, including the broader issues of leveraging data analytics and data visualization to answer real-world data challenges. The course also features a spring-break immersion week spent in Chicago, where students will visit leading big-data companies and spend time with the executives of those firms and other professionals working in the field. After the break, students will dedicate the last few weeks of the semester solving the real-world data problems they have encountered.

Students from throughout Syracuse University are welcome to attend the information sessions to find out more about the new course, since registration is open to all Syracuse University matriculated graduate students. Undergraduate students may apply with special consideration.The Program application deadline is November 1. Registration can be completed here.

The new course came about because of interest by the University’s volunteer leadership group in Chicago—the Chicago Regional Council–to launch a data science immersion program, according to Scott Barrett, assistant dean for advancement at the iSchool. “The enthusiasm from alumni and a number of extremely impressive companies and organizations in Chicago has been exciting, and will provide our students a unique and valuable experience to do data science with some of the greatest companies in the world,” Barrett said.

Course faculty are Jeff Saltz and Robert Heckman. Saltz is a University professor of practice who joined the iSchool in the fall after many years of collaboration between Syracuse University and his JP Morgan Chase career, where he led academic and technology research initiatives. His work in the highest levels of industry has often focused on building new teams that leverage emerging technologies and deliver innovative business solutions. Heckman, an associate professor, teaches strategic management of information resources, information industry strategies, and information consulting. He has more than 20 years of experience in the information services industry as a senior manager of data processing operations, systems development, and information systems marketing.

The iSchool is known for its innovative immersion experiences that are focused on information studies careers and interaction with top companies and top executives in information technology fields. A total of 1,028 students have taken part in 11 different immersive experiences over the past several years.