The HUB 2010 spring speaker series begins Tuesday, February 2, 2010. The series is sponsored by The HUB, a unique university-industry collaboration founded by Syracuse University and JPMorgan Chase. The first speaker is Nadege J. Charles, vice president and talent development manager with JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Charles will discuss “Applying a Liberal Arts Degree in a Global Enterprise” from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Room 228B of the Hildegarde and J. Myer Schine Student Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Charles will talk about how a liberal arts background can be leveraged to build a career. She’ll also explain how to promote your brand: how one’s skills and experiences align to the firm’s goals. In addition, her presentation will offer practical tips on what one can do to enhance job candidacy.

Charles has more than 15 years of experience at JPMorgan Chase in various human resources roles. She joined the firm as an undergraduate intern, where she worked in various HR roles, including training, recruiting, and as a generalist.

She is currently the program manager for the JPMorgan Chase and HUB Collaboration, focused specifically on the interns’ and analysts’ work experience at the firm. Previously, Charles was a program manager for the firm’s corporate development program, supporting the investment bank operations group.

Charles graduated from Long Island University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and is currently working on an MBA degree from Baruch College in New York City.

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