This story is part of a series highlighting student startups and entrepreneurship in the Syracuse Student Sandbox during the 2013 summer residency.

By: Hailey Temple

When DeBorah Little wakes up and prepares for her day, an important element of her morning ritual – like for many women – is to apply her makeup. While she was standing in front of the mirror, she found that one of her favorite lipsticks was almost out and thought; how could I get that last bit of lipstick left at the bottom of the tube? As a student at the School of Information Studies (iSchool) with a dual minor in Information Design and Startups and Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises, Little was already brainstorming other inventions and products to create. When she encountered this problem, she decided to turn her frustrations into MoreStick, a cosmetic tube that would solve the problem and ultimately save cosmetic wearers lots of money on makeup.

MoreStick, one of 24 startups working in the Syracuse Student Sandbox this academic year, is an innovative tube that allows makeup wearers to extract approximately 30% more of their lipstick, concealer, or blush from the bottom of the tube. With MoreStick, users will be able to extend the life of their makeup products, help the environment by preventing buildup of cosmetic tubes from filling landfills, and save money toward buying new makeup.

A student in the “What’s the Big Idea” class, Little was passionate about her new product. Her professor, John Liddy, entrepreneur in residence at the Syracuse Tech Garden, suggested she pursue the IDS minor to develop her idea. Little, who already experienced success with her consulting business, was excited to begin a new business venture by creating a product she could sell in stores. Working alongside students and with Liddy in the “What’s the Big Idea?” course, Little feels she is growing as an entrepreneur and appreciates the value of the skills she already possesses.

“I am so proud to be a student in this course of study and thankful to work with people like John Liddy, John Torrens and Marcene Sonneborn, who are supportive and passionate professors. I believe these young entrepreneurs are the future of national and local economic growth, and being surrounded by students in this program at the iSchool helps me think differently about how combining technology and entrepreneurship are a good marriage for business success and help me succeed in my business,” said Little.

Little is currently developing MoreStick with designers and is looking forward to launching a prototype in the coming weeks. She plans to launch a website for MoreStick and sell the product in major retail stores throughout the country. Little’s primary goal is to get her college degree, so she is taking courses throughout the summer. However, she is still focused on growing her consulting business and continuing to develop her business plans for both businesses through courses at the iSchool and Syracuse’s Whitman School of Management.

Little also actively works as a trainer with the Women Igniting the Spirit of Entrepreneurship (WISE) Center at the Tech Garden, and as a counselor with students and aspiring entrepreneurs in the Syracuse area. As a businesswoman who “already has extensive career experience with jobs in diverse industries,” Little stresses the importance of seizing the opportunities available to each individual and to herself. “Opportunity is everywhere, you just have to be paying attention and tell people what you are doing,” said Little. “As long as you are looking for it and expecting it, the opportunities will find you. It’s so true and there are a lot of opportunities coming my way for Touchdown Presentations and MoreStick, so I am excited to see what unfolds.”