By: Diane Stirling
(315) 443-8975

A workshop offering hands-on instruction regarding the kinds of free mobile apps useful for creating content in educational settings takes place this Saturday as a collaboration between the School of Information Studies (iSchool) and the Central New York Library Resources Council.

Offered both in the morning and afternoon, the workshops are designed for the iSchool’s current Library and Information Science (LIS) and LIS/School Media students, as well as library and school media professionals.

Programming details are available here, and registration for both the morning and afternoon sessions can be completed online.

Molly Clark G'00, school librarian at Charles E. Riley Elementary School in Oswego, is the workshop presenter.  She also instructs teachers regarding electronic databases. Clark will present two workshops to instruct participants regarding screencasting, digital storytelling, photography, and art and drawing apps. The workshop’s goal is to provide participants with a basic understanding of mobile devices and the mobile apps that can help enhance classroom teaching.

Jill Hurst-Wahl, associate professor of practice and director of the School’s MSLIS and MSLIS/School Media specialization programs, noted that the workshop “will provide something for all LIS students to help them understand technology that can be used in K-12, as well as any type of educational setting.” The workshop day will also feature open lab time, Hurst-Wahl said, where she and several other student and alumni volunteers will be available “to discuss additional technology, to engage in conversations about technology, and to help people further explore the resources they were exposed to in the workshop.”