By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Graduate student Jennifer Peters has been named a recipient of the Louise and Bernard Palitz Art Scholarship. Peters is studying Library and Information Science at the School of Information Studies, and Museum Studies at the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

The Palitz Art Scholarship was established in 2011 to support graduate students in Art History or Museum Studies by longtime Syracuse University Art Galleries supporters Louise Beringer Palitz ’44 and her husband Bernard.

Peters came to Syracuse University after graduating with her bachelor’s degree in visual arts from the University of Washington. Before deciding to pursue advanced degrees, she worked in art museums as a visitor services manager, curatorial assistant, and project archivist.

Her studies at Syracuse have ranged from the arrangement and description of objects to learning how the public might engage and further interpret an object. She has sought out many cultural institutions to observe their collections, current descriptions, digital images, and physical arrangement.

These encounters have offered Jennifer unique experiences ranging from solving storage challenges to digitizing an archive and accompanying ceramic collections.

After completing her studies, Jennifer plans to continue to involve digitizing and further describing art and historical collections to promote awareness, research, and public engagement.