By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

Kelly Lux, the Online Communication and Relationship Manager for the School of Information Studies (iSchool), was interviewed by NPR affiliate WRVO on the proliferation of social media outlets.

Lux focused on Google+, the new player in the social networking world. She told WRVO’s Ellen Abbott about some of the new network’s benefits over traditional social outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

“Everyone who is on Facebook has gotten to the point where [they say], ‘what do I post here anymore?’ I’ve got my friends, I’ve got my work people, I’ve got my family – is it all relevant or appropriate for all those different groups? Google+ solves that,” explained Lux as she outlined the positive aspects of the Google network’s grouping feature for connections.

An audio clip of the entire interview is available on WRVO’s website.