By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

The Little Free Libraries Project, a collaborative venture between Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies (iSchool) the College of Visual and Performance Arts (VPA) and residents of Syracuse’s Near Westside to bring miniature library kiosks to the neighborhood, is holding a book drive during National Library Week, April 8-14.

The book drive will help provide books to stock two new Little Free Library kiosks, one at 601 Tully Street, and one at the corner of Otisco and Niagara Streets.

Little Free Libraries Project Coordinator Jaime Snyder explains, “it seems like whenever we start talking about the Syracuse Little Free Libraries project, someone remarks, ‘oh, my gosh, I have a stack of books at home, I should donate them!’ Now here’s their chance. If anyone has a stack of books that they’ve been meaning to donate, now is the time.”
Snyder hopes to collect 1000 books by the end of National Library Week. Donations can be dropped off at the iSchool, room 245, or to the offices of the Near Westside Initiative, in the 4th floor of the Warehouse Building.

More information on donations, including suggested book genres and titles is available on the Little Free Libraries website. Monetary donations are also accepted, via the iSchool’s giving website.