By: J.D. Ross
(315) 443-3094

School of Information Studies (iSchool) Professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship R. David Lankes will present the Fall 2013 Couper Lecture at Hamilton College today.

Titled “What can Higher Education learn from Libraries?,” Lankes' talk will explore the larger shift in higher education from preparing students for their first job, to being an institution of lifelong learning. He will focus on how existing approaches in libraries actually provide models for this transformation.

The event is free and open to the public, and a live video stream is provided. To view the live stream, visit: The talk will begin at 4:15 PM Eastern time, and will be held in the Kennedy Auditorium in the College's Taylor Science Center.

Lankes recently published two books on new librarianship, The Atlas of New Librarianship, which won the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature, and Expect More: Demanding Better Libraries For Today’s Complex World. Lankes’ past projects include the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, the Gateway to Education Materials, AskERIC and the Virtual Reference Desk. 

This annual lecture honors Hamilton College alumnus and trustee Richard “Dick” Couper for his commitment and contributions to the College and the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the oldest academic honorary society in America.