School of Information Studies (iSchool) Professor and Dean’s Scholar for New Librarianship R. David Lankes has been appointed to serve on the advisory group for the American Library Association’s (ALA) Center for the Future of Libraries

The Center was established a year ago to provide library planners and community leaders with information and tools to help them better understand important trends reshaping libraries and communities, and help these leaders incorporate foresight into their planning processes.

The formation of the advisory group will provide thought leadership to the Center’s efforts and allow a new focus on innovation and library transformation.

“As Libraries Transform and ALA amplifies that message to build a nation of active advocates, the Center for the Future of Libraries becomes a key service to members,” said Sari Feldman, President of the ALA. “The Center for the Future of Libraries Advisory Group can insure that libraries, librarians, and library workers have the tools needed to create individual opportunity and community progress in a rapidly changing environment.”

Lankes joins a group of 15 other library leaders from across the country, selected because of their high level of expertise in the field, knowledge of emerging trends across the library environment, and commitment to library innovation.

In addition to Lankes, the ALA also named iSchool alumnus Joseph Janes ’82 G’83 G’89 to the advisory group. Janes is an associate professor at the University of Washington’s Information School.